General Guidelines

  1. Single Property Listings Only: Each post must feature only one property. This includes:
    • One property per post image
    • One property per post title
    • Relevant images matching the property description
    • No banner ads; use the designated section for banner advertising related to real estate investment
  2. Accurate and Truthful Information: All listings must contain accurate and truthful information about the property, including its features, condition, and pricing.
  3. No Duplicate Listings: Each property can only be listed once on the platform. Duplicate listings will be removed.
  4. No Off-Topic Listings: Listings must be related to real estate and must comply with the listing categories below.

Listing Categories

  • Rent: This section is exclusively for listing properties available for rent. Both commercial and residential properties can be listed here, but they must be intended for rental purposes only.
  • Sell: This section is exclusively for listing properties available for sale. Both commercial and residential properties can be listed here, but they must be intended for sale purposes only.

Additional Requirements

  1. Clear and Descriptive Titles: Listing titles must be clear, descriptive, and accurately reflect the property being listed.
  2. Relevant Images: Listing images must be relevant to the property being listed and must not contain watermarks or logos.
  3. No Spam or Phishing: Listings must not contain spam or phishing attempts, including links to external websites or requests for personal information.
  4. No Discriminatory Content: Listings must not contain discriminatory content, including language or images that promote hate speech, violence, or illegal activities.


Failure to comply with these listing rules will result in the removal of the ad from the marketplace. Repeated violations may lead to account suspension or termination.

Additional Consequences

  • Warning: First-time violators will receive a warning and may be required to edit or remove their listing.
  • Listing Removal: Repeat violators will have their listings removed from the platform.
  • Account Suspension: Severe or repeated violations may result in account suspension or termination.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions may be updated or changed at any time without notice. It is the user’s responsibility to regularly review these terms and conditions for any changes.

By using this platform, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.